Friday, January 29, 2010

Independent Study with Tim Harney!

Spending the semester working on a body of work for my life drawing teacher Tim. For the project, I'm exploring new ways to bend my media (charcoals, pastels) as I draw myself, friends and family. So far I've pulled out two portraits. The first is an attempt to bring everything up to a good deal of finish, the second is more raw and loose.


  1. these look fantastic! what paper are you working on?

  2. Oh i'm using archer watercolor, hot press by accident but its still good anyways.

  3. the orange look is off my camera, I wish i had some tinted paper though.

  4. you should totally try for that orange look. go for tinted paper and brown ink/paint.

    or you could do what i do and just put a layer of one gouache colour over gessoed paper, and pull up highlights with water.

  5. I never thought of that but it really would work, I like the grain that gouache leave on paper anyways.
